Breathwork For Stress Relief

Perhaps one of the most common phrases we all know for dealing with stress is ‘take a deep breath’ - but how often do we do it?  It turns out, the way we breathe can impact our stress levels in a huge way.  This is part of why I’m so passionate about breathwork for stress relief, it’s absolutely life-changing!

But first, what’s Breathwork for stress relief?

Breathwork is a term used to describe intentional breathing practices that are designed to lower stress levels in the mind and body.  

Seriously - fancy breathing is going to lower my stress level?

Yup!  The secret lies in how intentional breathing can train your nervous system to respond to stress in new ways.  Breathing also helps to keep your brain clear and calm, which can create more ease and presence in your day-to-day life.  

Regular breath-work can:

  • Help you process pain and trauma

  • Support healthier sleep patterns

  • Kickstart your immune system

  • Boost your presence and ability to focus

  • Quiet your ‘stress-brain’ for less anxiety 

  • Increases overall wellbeing

Types of Breathwork for Stress Relief

There are breathwork patterns that are customized for different needs.  For example, if you’re someone who is experiencing anxiety, you would use a different breathwork breathing pattern than someone experiencing depression.  Working with a certified breath worker can help you determine which pattern, plan, and frequency is right for you.

A Simple Breathwork pattern for Stress Relief

A very simple breathwork technique and pattern, and one that can help in everyday life, is one of my favorites. It goes like this…

Get comfortable whether you prefer sitting or laying down. Close your eyes and take a nice deep relaxing breath in through your nose and out your mouth.

Continue with that breath pattern, in through your nose and out through your mouth. But now, when you breathe in, breathe slowly and deeply - as much air as you can take in.

Don’t hold your breath, but let your breath flow out of your mouth slowly until all of the air is out. Continue this flow. In and out, slowly, getting the full effect of each breath going in, and each breath going out.

Is Breathwork for stress relief right for you?

Depending on where you are at emotionally, or what you’re experiencing in your life in the moment, you may like to switch up the breath flow. If you choose to play around with it, you can choose to keep it at a smooth, slow pace, or speed it up and breathe in and out with more energy and force. Just remember to listen to your body and honor where you’re at. You know what is best for you. Even a few minutes will have a huge effect! 

(Book a consultation with me to talk through a breathwork strategy!)

The bottom line is, we live in a highly anxious and stressful world.  When our bodies experience unchecked stress and anxiety, we aren’t able to perform optimally and we miss out on so much.  We aren’t meant to live in high states of stress for prolonged periods of time.  

If you’ve been feeling anxious, return to your breath.  Our breath is a powerful tool to restore balance to our nervous system, so literally, take a deep breath.  Then another.  

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Caroline McGrath, LPC, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor; Master Jungian Life Coach; Certified Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator; Certified TRE® Provider

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